every puppy needs a boy

mr. e loves penny burger.
he loves to pet her
and poke her
hug her
and he even
loves her kisses.
and poor miss penny will
take any affection she can get.

2 years

more than captain hamhocks loves to swim

and more than sir spitsalot loves to drive

i love you my mr. Z -jonny cakes
and i can't wait to celebrate
200 million more anniversaries with you.

we took a little anniversary vacation to palm springs.
(free time share deal, and we got another-
we never need to buy in cause they keep giving us freebies)
it was a lovely 108 outside until 8pm
but a perfect 72 in the condo 24/7.
we took lots of naps
and swims
and even a got to visit with family...
josh, mara and nolen treated us to a yummy dinner at BABES.

mighty mighty 6

1. weight- 16 pounds
2. length- 27 inches
3. hair- a tiny beeny bit in the right light
4. teeth- red swollen gums
5. rolling- all over both ways
6. sitting- not so much alone, a great leaner

1. eating anything- food or not
2. drinking from a cup
3. watermelon
4. watching his fingers
5. swimming
6. sqawking during church

1. when he reaches for me
2. how he strokes my face when i nurse him
3. when he cuddles his monkey
4. how he kicks his legs when he is excited
5. the way he laughs and grins at strangers- brightening their day
6. that he takes great naps and sleeps though the night
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the hero within

our girl's camp 2009 heroes

and the baby boy heroes (nolen sneed and mr.e )