7 months 7 days and 77 hours

i thought i would help my mom out
and do my own 7 month post
since it's getting to be way past my 7 month birthday
cause my mom has been a little busy...
painting and sealing the porch behind me, among other things,
so busy that one day i slid right out of the stroller
(which she uses as a babysitter)
and onto the floor of the garage.
(this wasn't my first near death incident either- bless her heart)
no worries - no damage.
she also spends a fair amount
of time feeding me cause i think
eating should happen
at least every hour.
but here's the real deal...
i heard her say she wanted to post
my 7 month photo of me
sitting on my own.
not gonna happen-
cause sitting is lots harder then it looks!
but i am a really really fantastic roller
and have recently taken up photography...

doggy beach

mr.e and i
miss penny b
to her beach
for a jaunt
in the waves
while e man
snacked upon a
this boy
can make a snack
out of anything