
jon is a student by day
and a director by night.
he just finished another year
of directing with Arts Off Broadway.
this year's playbill included:
(Jon played Captain Hook-
who knew my husbands legs could look better in black tights than mine?
and Mr. E came and watched his first play)
(A bizarre play- but talented cast.
and Mr .E had his first stage appearance-
the nepotism begins!)
(The real success came in handling this play
and staying on top of his Organic Chemistry.
Mr. E was not invited to this at all.)

We're glad to have him back home on tuesday, thursday and saturday's
for a while....


no it is not a tradition to torture small babes with lemon
but to go out to lunch with the ladies for our birthdays
my mom used to do this with her lady friends (jeri, joan, jeanne and sharon) growing up
and i was always excited to get initiate that tradition in my own life
cause lunch means lingering over your meal, chit-chatting, catching up
and having room for dessert
since i don't have close friends within 700 miles
i started this tradition with my mom and tia--
lifelong friends of mine, even if they are related--
and i look forward to it every time
happy birthday mom!
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9 months

mr.e is 9 months old so i want to share 9 things about being a mommy that i never knew...
  1. no matter how often i clean the car seat there will always be goldfish crumbs in it
  2. clipping fingernails is a weekly event for little folks
  3. toys will NEVER be as much fun as cords
  4. teething is quite messy
  5. teething is painful for the whole family
  6. teething is about a year long process
  7. in one second a baby can fall out of the bath (aka kitchen sink) YIKES!!!
  8. how the thought of his goofy grin can make me float when i am walking home from work
  9. a little pointer finger could bring me so much joy
the stats are:
height: 28.5 inches
weight: 18 lbs 12 oz
teeth: 2 on bottom 2.5 on top (and they are not the front 2)
skills: army crawls. but the doc said he should be really crawling...
eats: EVERYTHING including paper, dirt and dog food.

short on verbage

pardon my many
picture only posts
while i teach myself how to
post big pics and with words
and collages.
i have been struggling for months with this.
lame but true.

while mom blogs...

From Drop Box

guess whooo