pica: a pattern of eating non-food materials (such as dirt or paper)

he eats dirt and mulch by the handfuls.
he loves to eat paper, sticks,
and anything on the ground.
a fistful of dirt is the first thing he goes for when let outside.
perhaps the iron supplements are not enough...


Renee Snyder said...

He is definitely a boy! What a cuttie.

"Cottage By The Sea" said...

Oh, ahh, ohmy, please tell me he isn't about to pop a frog into his m o u t h. I have a vivid imagination, so maybe it's just me. Not a frog, correct?

P.S. Remember I told you I'd have a surprise for you on Monday? Surprise! Tara and Jason are expecting baby #6 in September. Gosh I love social media. Pass it on!

Krista said...

sid did this at the beach..and would get a nice exfoliated bum in return.