not that i have ever had a drink of wine (but i did drink a sip of my nana's vodka (it was next to my 7-up) on accident when i was about 7 or 8 years old and i thought i would die or get in trouble so i spent about 30 min in the bathroom praying not to die or go to hell and then tried to make myself puke. nothing happened- death, hell or puking. so i returned to the festivities and have never had a drink since.) but that is not my point. my point is that kids just get better and better with age. i told my mom several years ago (pre marriage) that i could not wait to have my own 3 year old someday. and elliot is now two and a half and well on his way to hillarious.
he still can be found snacking on dog food, he likes to play "minjas" and put anything around his head for the costume, he sings LOTS of songs but mostly the abc's in several different voices, LOVES his cousins, thinks he's 10, loves to read books and watch a "moomie", likes his yellow hair, knows a lot of his letters but still struggles with naming colors- especially black and white, is really good to baby reecie and likes to hold him for about 17 seconds a day, is addicted to fruit snacks, gives awesome hugs and proclaims his love for us about 6 times a day, is HIGHLY motivated by sugar, can put his shoes on himself, loves to play tag and hide and go seek, is getting much better at helping and listening, clears the dishes from the table, is SLOWLY overcoming his fear of pooping in the toilet, still refers to our car as "the new white van," he insists on wearing jammies and doing prayers and scriptures at naptime, likes to eat things "out of the bag," words that start with "s" he says with an "f"
i.e. fwimming.
i need to start recording the funny things he says. the stuff you think you will never forget cause you die laughing. like the other day when he came in carrying a white plastic whiffle ball and said "it my hona-wena to show me to the pwomise wand." and carried it around all evening like it was a liahona.
and bummer about him not being able to say his L's cause when people ask him his name he says "eddiot" and they look at me like i'm the idiot for naming him "idiot." I say, ELL-iot and smile.
1 comment:
AND he is more aware of his surroundings than any kid I've ever met. "Look at that bird way up there" - (one second later) "Look at that flower right down there." AND he talks faster and more than any kid I've ever known too. And I've known a lot of em. LOVE HIM.
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