Elliot's Rosary

Elliot has been saying prayers on his own for a while. we have him choose to be thankful for at least as many things as he is old, since he is four years old he chooses four things to be thankful for. he can always say more, but it has to be at least that many.  it is fun as we review the day together to hear what stood out in his mind to be thankful for: friend's, a new toy, the neighborhood pool, Hattie made the list for the first 3 months of her life, and the other night he said "the lovely weather report." Then we have a few people we are usually prayerful about, maybe extended family or ward members that are struggling in one way or another. we prayed for Bridger Frederich a lot during his whole appendicitis ordeal and it was cool to watch as he saw Bridger get better and talk with him about prayers being answered. Elliot also has struggled with nightmare since he was about 2. he wakes up frightfully upset and terrified. so we have said a prayer for bad dreams to stop, which has evolved into this prayer he has said for the past 9 months...

Dear Heavenly Father, 

i am thankful for...(insert four things he chose). 
Please bless (insert the 1-2 people we are praying for). 
Please bless Hattie not to puke, bless me and Reecie not to itch. Please bless us to be safe and warm in our beds. bless me to have good dreams, heavenly father dreams. Please lock up the sheet monster and all the other monsters, tie them up, lock em up, put bags on their heads and throw away the key so they can never get out. bless us to be safe and warm in our beds and and have good dreams about being superheroes and ninjas and ninja turtles. and we say these things in the name of Jesus Christ amen. 

his meal prayer is set as well.

he would have made an excellent catholic. 


"Cottage By The Sea" said...

You're back! Please Please Please give us more. More Mr. E, Recee and Hattie. More Penny and Jon and YOU. I loved Elliot's Rosary blog. Miss you more than all prayers that little guy prays. By the way, use a dream catcher. Those Indians had a great idea there. Worked for my 5.


Sean said...

I love it!!! Put "put bags on their head and throw away the key" like having monster walk around with bags would be any less scary. Miss you guys