348 months old!

height: over 6 feet tall
weight:probably 200 pounds
teeth: a whole mouth full that his wife has to bug him to brush
sitting: very well and very much as he is studying A LOT!!!!
eats: anything you make him with a thankful smile- even when it's burritos for the 10th time
favorites: spending time with his family, movies, sudoku, diet dr. pepper, getting an A on his first organic chem test.
not so favorite: broken xbox (this is however a favorite on the wife's list), homework, and when the mom is grumpy
happiest birthday ever mr jonny z!


Anonymous said...

So happy you wrote another blog. So cute that big ol baby of yours! I sent him birthday wishes on FB but, again, Happy Birthday Mr. Z

Love you all,


Krista said...

love the hubs stats.
poor guys usually get left out after baby come along.