easiest kid ever!!

no, not elliot-bless his energetic spunky sassy little heart.
but benny, his cousin.
he is not only adorable, but as sweet as they come.
the kind of kid that makes you want to have 20 more.
ben is the baby in his family. 
he follows a very stubborn and challenging, 
but also adorable brother.
the Lord gave them ben as a tender mercy after collin. 
ben is such an awesome example and buddy to elliot
he teaches him 
how to share
how to not cough in your hand, but in your arm fold.
how to catch polie bugs
what a pirate ship is made out of
how to eat all your dinner
best of all how to play for HOURS without mom!! 

we like to invite benny over as much as possible. (but he's a big preschooler now)
we'd even pay him if we needed to.
but lucky for us, he thinks elliot is pretty great and comes for free! 
we also get all benny and collins wonderful hand me downs. 
so every time elliot get dressed he comments,
"that's so nice for benny to share his shirts wif me, huh mom?" 
it's true, benny is really nice.


mimiomimi said...

Oh Shanni - you do so many many things right Love always, Mom

mimiomimi said...

I totally agree, Benny is the best!