
  • that we are raising a tree hugger
  • that elliot can practically count to ten
  • that after 18 months of living here i hung something on the wall
what is it about a baby that makes me feel the need to make our house more homey?
it starts before they are even born 
with the nesting instinct- deep cleaning and stocking the pantry.
then after those few weeks, or months,  of adjustment to life with this new little person
i am inundated with thoughts of 
what should i hang on the wall?
what would make his little room a happier place?
where might be a better place to store my kitchen linens?
all the nesting returns,
or continues. 
i had a bit of nesting right after we moved in
but only enough to get us set up and organized,
not decorated.
i am glad he inspires such activity
but i have to wonder
why and
such a little person 
who could care less what is on the walls
inspires me to care that there is something on the walls.


1 comment:

PaigesPages said...

They are soooo cute...way to go shannon!