10 months-10 photos-10 facts

10. i no longer crawl like a war veteran
9. i don't like cottage cheese
8. i like to eat the christmas lights
7. i have 7 teeth
6. i can say uh-oh, da-da, dog, ma-ma
5. i sign more
4. i have not fallen off anything in a few weeks
3. i hit my head 17 times a day
2. i ran, well crawled, away from home (got all the way down the driveway)
1. i have made it through sacrament meeting 2 weeks in a row


The Snead Family said...

very impressive! he is too cute. i just loved watching him during sunday school yesturday. he really is getting quite his own personality! so fun

"Cottage By The Sea" said...

He looks like a little Christmas Elf! Cutest baby with the cutest personality I know. You should have 10 of them!

Sean said...

Who does like cottage cheese?